Nostre esperienze nel trattamento del dolore cronico benigno mediante infiltrazione di cicatrici con anestetico locale

P. Barbagli, R. Bollettin

A.P.S.S. Trento, Distretto "Alto Garda e Ledro", Ambulatorio di Terapia Antalgica, Riva del Garda (TN), A.I.R.A.S. (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca e l'Aggiornamento Scientifico), c/o Istituto di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione dell'Università di Padova, Italia

Clin Ter 2009; 160(6):445-449

Our experiences in chronic benign pain by injecting local anaesthetic into scars
Objectives. To refer a possible resolving treatment of chronic benign pain by injecting local anaesthetics into scars.
Materials and Methods. This original article consists of 7 interesting cases who have been extracted by a group of 2145 patients treated with local anaesthetic (lidocaine 0.5-1 %), of one or more than one scar.
Results. The clinical and therapeutical data of a 2 years follow up show that in these 7 cases of chronic benign pain, treated by injecting local anaesthetic (lidocaine 0.5-1 %) into one or more scars, the algic symptomatology stably disappeared.
Conclusions. This record of cases confirms the hypothesis of a possible aetiological role of scars in causing benign chronic painful syndromes, as stated by Brothers Huneke in the 40's and validated by a recent review on the tapie.

Key words: Lidocaine, pain, scar

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